Uploading images to user profile failing due to js error

I’m not sure if it is related, but the error seems very similar to this: Uploading of video file fails due to JS error

When I

  1. go to /my/preferences/account
  2. edit the Profile Picture
  3. Add a custom picture

I get this:
Screenshot of failed Profile Picture upload

This happens regardless of whether it is an already uploaded file or not. Uploads in posts work just fine. I updated over the weekend. Same in safe mode.

I can repro this in a clean install, but not here on meta.discourse.org (nor on Stable).


Hmmm currently I’m not able to reproduce this myself. I tried locally with my developer setup and on a self-hosted site I just updated and I’m able to change the profile picture without any errors.

Meta is also running the latest so it should be reproducible there as well.

I know you tested in safe mode, but maybe there is still a plugin or something interfering?


Thank you for trying to repro it! I’ll work through the plugins on my test instance and see if I can find the culprit.

I’ve identified the plugin (Pavilion’s own Events Plugin 📆) and have reported it here:

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I updated our forum to 3.4.0.beta2-dev yesterday and our users are experiencing this bug too.

We have these plugins enabled

Yeah, it wasn’t the events plugin! Not sure how I messed that up.

Have you tried it without the sidecar plugin? That seems to be the only unofficial one. Maybe the new image processing for YouTube thumbnails interferes with the upload of profile pictures.

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Is there an error in /logs?

This functionality should only be invoked if the thumbnail has a specific file name.

Could be some related bug though.

Would appreciate some contributions to the repo.

I can’t always offer free business level support.

OK this is fixed

Please update the sidecar plugin.


@nathank @raghukamath can you please confirm this is resolved?


It seems to work now. Thank you very much for fixing this :+1: