I’ve just made an update to this component that makes it integrate better with Category Banners
← discourse:category-integration
opened 07:42PM - 24 Apr 23 UTC
This pairs with the category banner update https://github.com/discourse/discours… e-category-banners/pull/32
This utilizes the category banner component's presence service to determine when and how to render tag banners.
The `<DiscourseTagBanners />` component is mounted in the category banner's `category-banners-after-title` outlet, and the category banner presence dictates whether the component displays `<DiscourseTagBannersTextOnly />` or `<DiscourseTagBannersPresentation />`
The category banner's presence service also determines whether or not the tag banner will show at all in the `above-site-header` and `below-site-header` outlets, so we don't end up with a category banner stacked with a tag banner.

When both components are installed and you’re filtered to a category and a tag, rather than stacking the banners, now the tag name will be shown within the category banner:
The tag banner will still appear as expected when filtered only to a tag.