Use the AI to create a glossary of common words and phrases


Use the AI to create a glossary of common words and phrases.

Never would have thought that others would consider the word banned and blocked as meaning the same thing when using ChatGPT. However it seems that many users do not know there is a difference.

A glossary would be nice to reference.

I know, wishful thinking but for those few that would use it, it would be nice.


This is an interesting proposal, I hope some developer can develop it and share it in the community. I think I can pay a fee for a public application like this

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Thanks for chiming in on this.

As we know if one ask several people for more details on this idea there will be a divergence of what they are thinking, I would call that diversity and it is a good thing.

When I created the idea I purposefully left out the details hoping to hear others fill in the details on what they think it would do. If I gave my view in the original post it might dissuade others from giving their view.

Could you please share what you are expecting from such?

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