User created categories

Hey All,

Back with another suggestion. I’d like to ask that some sort of Subreddit like system or “Clubs” as other software call them, be considered. It would allow a Discourse site to allow users their own spaces relevant to the site’s purpose or theme to exist. With the chat coming in and other various features that compete with social media, this would be one of the last things Discourse is missing in my opinion.

Some basic functionality would include:

  • Ability for users to create categories inside of their club
  • Some sort of invite/management system of who is in the club.

This is something that we are working towards but it’s a heavy lift because having unlimited numbers of categories introduces performance issues at an admin level. We’re very close to a compromise.


That’s exciting to hear!

Would you be able to talk about it at all from a technical prospective?

If not I’ll wait :).


@saquetim may be able to provide some details.


Any word on this :)?

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Yes, I’m really hopeful for something like this. One thing that has it the ability to create almost sub-forums, and I’ve been hoping Discourse could allow more self-organizing as well :pray:

@HAWK @saquetim Any word on this?


The plugin is still under active development, but not yet ready for public release.

We’re also active working to solve the category scaling issues.


Ah, okay, thank you for letting me know. Looking forward to hearing about it more!


also eager to hear more about this one!

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I too would LOVE this.

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Is there a timeline to when this feature will be launched?

We would love to just be able to just have the ability to plug it in vs needing an outside the box work around.

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No timeline yet, but it is something we are thinking about.

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Thanks for lettign us know :)!

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I would absolutely love this feature. Users making their own sub communities would really be a force multiplier IMO.