User created groups

Can users create their own groups and have their own categories?

No this is not possible. Only admins can create groups or categories.


That’s so strange. Groups promote engagement. Oh well.

Well, it would be nightmare for admins quite fast. Outsourcing administration to users is always bad idea.

Meaning an admin can create groups and let an user lead it. And create a category that is limited by that group and give rights of category moderation to that user.


That’s what discourse is all about. Giving the power to the community to manage the community.

It wouldn’t be a nightmare at all. If someone abuses the rules, you shut it down like you do with anything else in discourse.

users can create group personal messages.

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Discourse is never worked that way. You are now mixing admininistration and content.

Its literally baked into the marketing of the platform. One of discourses most appealing features is its ability to empower the community to assist with managing itself.

Here is the feature request for user created categories


I got excited for a moment since this notification went straight to my phone. XD


Sorry to disappoint haha.

I guess we’ll have to attempt something outside the box until its created… It would be brilliant IMO.

I moved this one (user-created groups) to its own feature request, since there are two separate ones.

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