User Field requirement


I’ve tested to set user field requirements for new and existing community members, and it reveals that all the existing members are now blocked to reach the forum even if they fill the fields. They have ‘error’ message.

I’ve deleted all these new fields, and they still have the error message (cf screenshot)

What can I do ?

I think this is because of the new ‘required’ feature that been implemented recently. Do you have a required custom field at signup that was introduced at a later date and is not editable after signup? (ie do these existing users have an empty required custom field that they can’t edit?)

If so, you can temporarily change the custom field to allow edits or make it no longer a required field. This should allow people to continue using your site while a fix is being worked on. :crossed_fingers:

Checking in on the progress, I believe a fix is already in place :partying_face:

Could you update your site and see if that fixes things?


No, all the fields added gave the possibility to edit it after the signup. And today, typically, I’ve removed all new fields. And yet my members have a problem. As you can see in the screenshot, there aren’t even any fields left to fill in because I’ve deleted everything, but they get the error message.

Do I need to update my forum to fix the bug?

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I don’t think I can see your user custom fields admin page in those screenshots. Do you have any existing ones still active?

I think updating would still be beneficial as it does sound similar to the behaviour that the fix deals with, so updating would rule that out and help us see if there’s another issue.

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I visited your forum to check the Discourse version. While doing so, I noticed some errors in the browser console.

I don’t know whether these are related to your problem, but you might want to fix them anyway


I think it came from a combo between a mandatory field + an automation that adds to a group based on the response to the mandatory field. And I had manually removed some staff from these groups, so there must have been a conflict. Now it’s fine.


I’ll look into the console issues, thanks a lot for the check.

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