User preferences page leads to 404


also, I am not sure why my “Preferences” get 404

Before click

After click “Preferences”

I didn’t change original codebase, so I am not sure why this happen

Terminal Screenshot

Above blue line is refresh http://localhost:3000/u/guokrfans/notifications
Below blue line is click “Preferences”

Try to disable any plugins you have in

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I would try it now, thanks!


Click “Enter Safe Mode” it jump into homepage localhost:3000

Click top right corner and enter profile

Click “Preferences” got 404

If you want to,
we can do “TeamViewer”(or some other tool)
and let you remotely control my laptop

I’m not exactly sure what’s going on here, So I won’t be able to help much.

I’m sure someone else will pick this up though.

understood, Thanks for spend your time helping me on this issue!
Thank you very much!

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I fixed the problem (2018-4-29)

(on my local Macbook Pro with localhost:3000)

I download discourse codebase again with

git clone original_discourse

and then

bundle exec rake db:migrate
rails s

Now User Preferences Page is ok

I am not quite sure what’s the problem with the other discourse folder I have.
It could cause by theme or plugin that I install. maybe.

Anyway, now problem gone

— Update —
I think sidekiq is part of the problem, I didn’t run sidekiq at my local machine, and got 404
after I run sidekiq the 404 problem gone


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