User rank should be a little more forgiving and give more insight

This is the link you’re looking for (on the admin-profile page of a user)



must have visited less than 40% of days
of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed less than 20%
of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read les than 20%

So what happens if a user is in mailing list mode and reads all the messages via email? Given the mailing list mode background for my discourse (and quite a few others), this could be a problem. I suppose I could just promote people to TL4 explicitly (can I promote them to TL3 explicitly and not have them lose it?).

I have to admit to really not understanding all the different TL rights and requirements - its one of the most complex aspects of Discourse.


no insight, but added some forgiveness here :palm_tree:


In that case, I would lower the “leader requires days visited” site setting (/admin/site_settings/category/trust) to 0 or some other low number. As always, make sure the other thresholds make sense for your community.


Has anyone come up with a SQL query to see a list of users and their “leader requires days visited” site setting? I’m considering lowering this number from 50% to something like 20% for just this reason @peternlewis gives. We have many trusted members who otherwise would have attained TL3 by now but have not because they use email or travel frequently or simply don’t log in enough days to get it.

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I’ve done this now and it works very well for us.

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Did you come up with the query or just make the changes?

I just changed it. Didn’t have time to wait for a query.

The TL3 stuff has become a real topic among the moderators I explained it to… people really took it personally that they weren’t reaching the requirements.

We still only have 7 members automatically promoted to TL3, which I think is fine.