User Specific Slow Mode

I’m wondering if it would be possible to have something like slow-mode but for specific users?

There’s already some platform wide rate-limiting to this extent:

But I would love to be able to apply a slow mode to a specifc user(in a nice way).

Primary goal of this is to prevent them disrupting the existing user-base and culture by over-enthusiastically posting poor quality content. Secondary goal is to ensuring we don’t stiffle their enthusiasm to contribute. We simply want them to take a step back and think about a little more before posting.

I feel like Silencing would be extreme and unwelcoming. The case for slow mode would be for the type of user wants to make positive and meaningful contributions, they just need a bit more time to learn how to do that.

Being able to rate-limit a particular user to n number of responses in a given time frame would reduce our moderation effort, reduce the disruptive impact of their posting, whilst also saying to the user “Hey, we love your enthusiasm. If you could take a bit of time to refine your topics they would provide a lot more value to the users you are sharing the platform with and get more valuable responses.”

I would see this as a user-specific setting rather than a group specific setting because it’s typically just the odd handful of users. We have plenty of good TL-0 and TL-1 users who shouldn’t be rate limited for example.


Maybe just make them be TL1 or TL0 which limits how often people can post?

I did wonder this, but many of our T0 and T1 users are fine. Rate limiting them as a group, and pushing more people into TL2 sadly wouldn’t work for us.

Use of this feature would be more focused on guiding the handful of users that are high enthusiasm, but have different written habits to what we are looking for - mostly in terms of topic refinement.


I would love this feature which would ideally work exactly like the post slow mode but for users, so that you can put someone into slow mode for a day or a week or permanently.