User stuck in 'staged' status

I have a user whose account was originally created as a staged account via an import from another system.

Recently, they logged in and created a new topic.

But they still show up as a staged user, and I cannot @mention them.

I do not see any way in the Admin UI to force them to become “unstaged”.

Potentially relevant site settings:

  1. Google Login enabled
  2. Local logins disabled
  3. Email whitelist domains (1)

Currently running version v1.5.0.beta13b +38 (67a5fc39ded9f661974b6e06b109c75b50d3a1b1)

Can’t you delete the staged account? Sounds like the emails don’t match?

As far as I can tell there is only a single account for this user with that one email address.

On their user page in the Admin section, the “Email” field value matches the address in the “Logins” filed


Logins: Google(

I think @zogstrip will need to have a look

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@zogstrip feel free to reach out here or via PM if you want more details that I can help get via logs or db queries, etc.

I’ll have to try login in using the same email address using OAuth, but in the meantime, you can fix it with

cd /var/discourse
./launcher c app
User.where(email: "").update_all(staged: false)
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Thanks, I have found other users in this state, so I’ll use this workaround for now…

Here’s what I’m doing to catch them all periodically:

User.where.not(previous_visit_at: nil).where(staged: true).update_all(staged: false)

This time it updated 29 users…

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Just pushed a fix :banana:


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