Using Discourse as a social media platform

I wonder this too…

Not that I’m aware of. You can just make everything Uncategorized, and then e.g. hide the Category view and just leave the Latest, Top, etc. views. Then use CSS to hide the category indicators I guess… Workable, albeit imperfect.

Interesting idea, yes. But to me this actually gets away from some of what seems more interesting about “social media”, the intermixing of content from multiple sources. You can already subscribe to someone’s activity feed from Discourse via RSS, so if you’re really interested in just what one or a few people say, that’d probably be the way to do it. There is also the Follow plugin:

It’s good to know you don’t want those boundaries eroded. But can you explain specifically why? Hopefully not just in terms of simple preference, “I like the way it is”, but specifically why, or at least how the existing setup makes you feel in interacting with it vs. the alternative.

Yes, that makes some sense…

Mmm, yes, interesting! Meta-Meta Discourse. :wink: