Using Personal Message search feature to search for admins - Not generating a result

Hi all,

I’m wanting to show my users how to create a private message to admins by enabling them to easily find the admin group using the PM search feature.

For some reason, when searching the admin group, it isn’t returning a result.

You can search for moderators, but not admins, as shown below:

How do we get the admin group to appear in the search?

I suspect that you have your settings set so that nobody can message them. Take a look there first (in the Interaction settings of the Admin group).


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Sorry hawk, but can I trouble you for directions for getting to this specific setting? Normally I’d ask my developer, but he’s on leave.

No worries! Go to groups from you admin menu, select the Admins group and go to its settings. Choose the Interactions option and you find the options in my screenshot

Thanks for the quick response Hawk.

Is this the right area… or is there more than one groups section?

Go to yourForumURL/g here it is


Interesting. We only have a group called moderators which me and my developer are both a member of… but no admin group. is this normal/native to discourse to not have an admin group and to have the admins in the moderator group

… or would my developer have custom created the moderator group and put us in there?

If it is something that he has done, I guess I can simply get him to create a group called Administrators, and put us in there.

Sorry if this is a silly question.

The admin group is a default group that cannot be deleted.
Are you an admin? If you’re not, maybe you don’t have permission to see the admin group.

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Yeah I am an admin haha. I’m the account owner.

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Very interesting.

Is the default locale of your site English? Can you access /g/admins?

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Whoops, I wasn’t logged into the right user account.

It’s coming up now.

I’ve noticed that the setting is off like Hawk predicted… So problem solved.

Thankyou for your assistance in finding the interface Moin.


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