Viewing removed file attachments


We use Discourse as a sort of support system, where users can email a generic email address which comes into a group inbox.

Over the weekend a user has sent in an email with a Word document as an attachment, but it shows on the PM like this -

(Attachment Support questions.docx is missing)

I’m assuming this has been stripped out by Discourse (although happy to be corrected on that one!). If it has, is it still saved anywhere? I have full access to both the web UI and the CLI, so any pointers appreciated.

If it’s lost, it’s lost. Just saves one headache of asking a user for the file again after tweaking some settings.

Thanks in advance

I never tried using attachments from email, so I can’t answer this directly, but if Discourse can receive attachments, can you confirm that the .docx is an authorized extension in the site settings?


It wasn’t at the time (it is now). I was just wondering if there was a way to see the attachment, even though it was removed.

The user was staged, so no email was sent back to them. My thought was perhaps it was received by the email server, which is the Discourse mailer app, so it would have hit the server. Would it have been saved anywhere, or would it have been deleted straight away?