Want to display topic category name and tags above the topic-footer-buttons

Hi Team,

I want to display the topic category name and tags above the topic-footer-buttons and below the same as displayed below the topic title as shown below:

I have seen that we have PluginOutlet “topic-above-footer-buttons” in the topic.hbs template, But it is only displayed for the logged-in users.

Is there any other way to display the topic category name and tags above the topic-footer-buttons for both logged-in and anonymous users?


Please give some suggestions to display the topic category name and tags above the topic-footer-buttons.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say this is an error: why restrict the plugin outlet to CurrentUser only? there’s nothing about the data it passes which requires a user to be logged in.

My suggestion is to move it out of the if clause so it is exposed in either case.

So you have two choices:

  • Consider a PR to core to fix this so you can use it for Anon without having to override the entire template
  • Override the template for the time being

If you PR be careful this doesn’t break any existing tests (which you may have to modify at the same time).

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Thanks, Robert for the reply

There is a plugin “discourse-presence” in the core discourse that uses this plugin-outlet to display the presence of the user on the topic. This only renders for the logged-in users and it is a valid case.

So I think we should create PR to add a new Plugin-outlet to the next line of the “this.loadedAllPosts” condition.

Ex: <PluginOutlet @name="topic-below-container-posts" @tagName="span" @connectorTagName="div" @args={{hash model=this.model}} />


Good catch, but I don’t think you should base your decision on the basis of an existing plugin. But if that plugin is not fail-safe you might want to PR there too :sweat_smile:

The names of the outlets are based on location usually. What are you going to call any additional one? Sounds a bit messy to have two for the same location use of which is only based on whether someone is logged in or not …

Anyway, submit and it will be reviewed.

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yeah, thanks for your suggestion.