According to these posts, staff posts are immune to watched word checks by design
But it doesn’t seem to work in my deploys, tested on both 2.7.13 and 2.8.2, post with the admin account
According to these posts, staff posts are immune to watched word checks by design
But it doesn’t seem to work in my deploys, tested on both 2.7.13 and 2.8.2, post with the admin account
Yeah, they are immune to all of the other sections, but replace is special.
Putting this in feature , many communities want replace to be applied evenly cause it is used for making certain words hyperlinks and so on.
For example despite being staff when I type safe mode it becomes a link here, and that is desirable.
Does ‘Censor’ work the same way as ‘Replace’ ? Because I find that admin posts are also censored. Is there any way for staff to bypass the rules?