Welcome page image

At the moment you can only add content above the text… but I just pushed an update that will allow you to add content below because that seems like a reasonable thing to allow. (https://github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/e4ebc303bb8cfaa5e39c22f49cd4419d3ee3f33e).

If you update Discourse in a few hours (via yoursite.com/admin/upgrade) you should get that change and able to add content where you need it.

Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 11.12.19 PM

Here’s how you do it. In your theme you’ll need to add this to your header.html file:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="/connectors/below-static/custom-login">
  {{#if showLoginButton}} 
    <div class="custom-login-content">
       <!-- Your custom HTML here -->

Note that this template is used in multiple places (FAQ page, about page, etc) so if you only want your content visible on the Welcome login page you need to keep the wrapping {{#if showLoginButton}} {{/if}} there.

You can learn more about using plugin outlets to add content to our handlebars templates here: Developer’s guide to Discourse Themes