Welcome text seems to be outdated

When you create a new community you get a post with this text:

Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of your very own Civilized Discourse Construction Kit. :hatching_chick:

Getting Started

If you haven’t already, launch the setup wizard and go through the steps to configure your site. You can run the wizard as many times as you want, it’s completely safe!

Note: To make launching your new site easier, all new members will have daily email summary emails enabled (instead of the usual weekly) and be given a higher level of trust. See below to learn more about the trust system and bootstrap mode.

Admin Dashboard

Exercise your admin superpowers any time via the admin dashboard at


You can also access it via the “hamburger” menu in the upper right: Admin functions are generally marked with the wrench :wrench: icon, so look for that.

The hamburger icon is now in the left side and remove the site panel


Nice spot. :+1: That will need to be updated now the sidebar is the new default.

I’ll see if we can get that tweaked up. :slight_smile:


Circling back on this… thanks again for raising the point that the getting started guide contained incorrect information. We updated it back then in fact. Now we have made many more changes. Would welcome your feedback!