If someone want to see their pie chart with percentages, go to admin section and take the trust levels numbers to put here: https://playground.anychart.com/DbRkhpaG/2 on this section:
Copying from my earlier tweet response to pull information together, on forum.makerforums.info — TL1 for us is dominated >200:1 with G+ import users who have not (yet) activated. Ignoring those, we are roughly 90% TL0 (mostly blocked spammers), 6% TL2, 3% TL3, 1%TL4. TL1 noise really hides any pattern though.
(In case anyone is wondering about having lots of TL0 spammers: We block but do not delete spammers, in order to be able to compare new spammers to old spammers to look for patterns to help us better identify the new spammers.)