What happened to 'All Time' statistics?

Am I crazy or did there not use to be an option to see statistics in the dashboard from ‘All Time’? Now the furthest I can go back is a year. I would love to see this come back as I am interested to see how traffic ebbed and flowed over the months to determine if things are just slow based on the time of year or if it’s something bigger and it’s hard to tell this only seeing one year.
CleanShot 2022-03-30 at 13.38.25


It still appears for me as an option.


@davidkingham is showing the options for statistics, as found at /admin:

Screenshot from 2022-03-30 20-08-22

Which is easily confused, I believe, with the duration options for top posts found at /top (@Decorbuz, is that where your screenshot is from?):

Screenshot from 2022-03-30 20-08-42

David, I think you’ll find what you need with the report at /admin/reports/consolidated_page_views, which has a toggable begin and end times:


Thanks @maiki , but unfortunately the reports will also only go back a year, if I select a date beyond a year it just resets to the current year.


I have a site I started in 2015, and I adjusted the dates as they are in the screenshot (ending at March, 2020), and it worked:

I have to hit the “Refresh Report” button before it takes the new dates. I haven’t seen it reset… are you looking at the “Consolidated Pageviews” report? Let me know. :slight_smile:


Oops, that was my bad, since the fields are not labeled I was trying to set the bottom one to the earlier date. I can go back more than a year in the reports, so thank you for that.

It is still unfortunate that I can’t see all time from the main view as it’s a bit clunky to move through each report when I just want to see a quick overview of the main stats. I hope this will be brought back, but there must have been a reason for removing it…


Whoops! You’re right! My bad! :sweat_smile: