What is the minimum server power required?

Hello everyone, can anyone tell me what the minimum server power requirements are for the new version of Discourse 3.1?


  • The default of the current supported LTS release of Ubuntu Server works fine. At minimum, a 64-bit Linux OS with a modern kernel version is required.
  • The default of 1 GB RAM works fine for small Discourse communities. We recommend 2 GB RAM for larger communities.
  • The default of New York is a good choice for most US and European audiences. Or select a region that is geographically closer to your audience.

1GB RAM, latest LTS of Ubuntu


And with that 1 GB RAM must increase manually size of swap.

So, real world minimum is 2-4 GB.

And size of the disk depends. But quite fast S3 will be cheaper choise than buying more disk from hosting.

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