What is the Rails command to create an admin user in Discourse?

As told in this post, when I run this command to create an admin user on a new disco installation, thru rails console (without having to activate thru email, for just once, for one admin):

u = User.create!(username: ‘xx’, email: ‘xx@xx.com’, password: ‘xxx’, mailing_list_mode: ‘true’);u.approve(Discourse.system_user, false) ; u.activate

I get this error:

[1] pry(main)> =“u = User.create!(username: 'user1’, email: ‘user1@email.com’, password: ‘Password12345’, mailing_list_mode: ‘true’);u.approve(Discourse.system_user, false) ; u.activate"

SyntaxError: unexpected '=', expecting end-of-input
=“u = User.create!(username:...

I’m no user of rails commands, I could appreciate if you could tell the exact command with exact quotes etc I’ve to use in the command in order to just create 1 admin user on a fresh Disco installation.

Take your pick:

rake admin:create                                                      # Creates a forum administrator
rake admin:invite[email]                                               # invite an admin to this discourse instance

FYI, when you are not sure, you can always:

rake --tasks

To get a list of rakes.


But email sending is not working, that’s why I said I want to use it only once, just to create one admin user.

rake admin:create that’ll help you create admin


But in this command, we’ve not specified any username or password.
how will we login thereafter?

Sorry, as I said, I don’t know a thing about rails commands. Just want to this one ‘needed’ command.

[6] pry(main)> rake admin:create                                                      # Creates a forum administrator
NameError: undefined local variable or method `create' for main:Object
from (pry):5:in `__pry__'

That is why I posted two choices.

You can pick based on your situation now and in the future.

Run the command and it will ask you.

[6] pry(main)> rake admin:create                                                      # Creates a forum administrator
NameError: undefined local variable or method `create' for main:Object
from (pry):5:in `__pry__'

It isn’t entered in the rails console.


./launcher enter app
rake admin:create

Oh! my my!!


Did it, and all ok now.


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