Hi, I’m running a WordPress site http://mini4wd.org. Currently I’m using the latest.rss feed to generate a short list for what’s happening in the forum on our WordPress based homepage.
It would also be nice to to have RSS feeds for the Top rated topics, so our user can know what’s hot in the forum.
I’d love to have a crack at this if you haven’t started yet @zogstrip
UPDATE: Ah, right. There are RSS feeds for latest topics and topics within a category, but the rss format doesn’t quite lend itself to top topics because the order of the feed can change over time (i.e. posts can swell or drop in popularity, which won’t be reflected in the feed short of them being published twice.)
One possible solution could be to publish a periodic [weekly? daily? Controllable by site setting?] rss feed of top topics, which would be an aggregate of the most popular topics for that day/week. I’d be happy to work on something like this, but would probably need a little support spec’ing it out a little.
There are already pages for ....../top/daily ....../top/weekly ....../top/monthly ....../top/yearly
True the order is likely to change, shorter time periods more so than the longer, but as best as I can tell by the RSS feeds I’ve looked at so far they have always been “current”.
That is, they are created upon request and not on a schedule. i.e. not “published” per se.
Sorry, I meant “pages”, not that there were feeds for them.
yes, that’s what I get now too.
But it seems extending whatever is doing the RSS stuff for the other pages that have feeds should be possible for them as well, but maybe not, I haven’t looked into it yet.
In any case, if the “top” pages had feeds, I don’t see why they couldn’t be called like the other feeds and return “currently” leaving the polling to be done by the site using them.