What is the little icon in your topic name?
Solved. Using the solved plugin, that topic was marked as solved, thus the icon.
So that’s a feature now? How do I implement it?
If your site has been deployed, it’ll show up in the category edit dialogs.
And if you have the plugin right (or is it automatically included?)
Hello, I am not sure what you meant, can be more specific? Maybe a screen shot?
I would like to close specific threads not based on time as seen below:
Sorry for making this thread off topic - feel free to create new thread admin @codinghorror @sam
This post outlines how to install the solved plugin and the version requirements:
Also, I would caution calling out the forum admins with an @username in a post unless absolutely necessary. As I think is evidenced by other posts on the forum, they usually will keep up and jump in when necessary on a post.
I do not have that allow users option since Discourse hosts for us - they will need to do it for us on our end - we do not have access to our YML.
Gotcha. That helps clear up some of my confusion.
Hope you get the feature rolled out to you soon.
Yeah I just figure it out…haha
Alex, we will be adding this globally in a week or so, just want to iron out all kinks here first.
I can’t wait - I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve!