When editing a wiki topic, the edit history notification counts 2 edits. The first edit shows nothing and the second one shows the exact edit and its reasoning.
First issue
The first issue is the one mentioned above
Second issue
When editing a title not from the pencil next to the title, but from the wiki edit, 2 notifications appear again. One notification for the title and one for the reasoning ().
Example: I want to change the title but simultaneously let everyone know why I have changed the title. That doesn’t work though, because there are 2 different notifications and not one including everything.
I think that all the edits should appear in one history edit notification and not 2 separate ones. Again, I am not sure if it’s something expected…
this happens for all the posts, not only wikis. and as far as I know, it only happens when an edit takes long time to be done. i.e. when you press the edit button, and do edits, and it takes longer than 5-10 min, then you finalize the changes.
@Thomas_G can you share a screencast/video of your repro?
I could repro this consistently. Editing a wiki post title with a reason for the edit creates 2 edit notification, one for the reasoning and the other for the edit:
Hmm, it looks like the JS client is actually submitting two updates here. The edit reason being included means that the server isn’t allowed to coalesce them, so it creates two revisions instead.