When should Discourse upgrade to Rails 5?

Run 500 iterations instead of 100, you should see more stable results


Iā€™ve been running the bench.rb script with 500 iterations. Maybe I should bump it to 1000?

Maybe amend it to do a longer warmup, results should be ultra stable we must fix our script


Just fixed a couple of bugs in our script. It turns out that our admin routes were actually throwing 500s which lead to incorrect benchmark results.


I added a guard in the script to ensure that the routes weā€™re hitting are returning 200 before we start benchmarking.


Rails 5.1 is merged into Discourse.

One notable change which was a source of pain in development for me is that Sidekiq supports live reloading with Rails 5 but dependencies in each file has to be required properly. Otherwise, the job will be stucked in the Sidekiq queue. Iā€™ve fixed most that I can find but if you run into any other job, feel free to let me know.



Is it good time to introduce microservices to speed up main actions?

Rails 5 broke a few of my plugins because of the change from before_filter to before_action.

I did a quick search through github.com/discourse/all-the-plugins for before_filter and found these other ones that will be broken:

./plugins/babble/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:4:  before_filter :ensure_logged_in, except: :index
./plugins/babble/app/controllers/topics_controller.rb:4:  before_filter :set_default_id, only: :default
./plugins/babble/app/controllers/topics_controller.rb:5:  before_filter :ensure_logged_in, except: [:show, :index]
./plugins/blog/app/controllers/blog/application_controller.rb:8:    before_filter :cache_anon
./plugins/discourse-admin-statistics-digest/lib/admin_statistics_digest/active_user.rb:35:    signed_up_before_filter = if filters.signed_up_before
./plugins/discourse-admin-statistics-digest/lib/admin_statistics_digest/active_user.rb:88:                    #{ signed_up_before_filter }
./plugins/discourse-atom-receiver/app/controllers/discourse_atom_receiver/atom_file_controller.rb:5:    skip_before_filter :check_xhr
./plugins/discourse-blogger-plugin/plugin.rb:33:    skip_before_filter :check_xhr, :preload_json, :verify_authenticity_token
./plugins/discourse-blogger-plugin/plugin.rb:35:#    before_filter :ensure_embeddable, except: [ :info ]
./plugins/discourse-donations/app/controllers/discourse_donations/charges_controller.rb:7:    skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token, only: [:create]
./plugins/discourse-layouts/controllers/widget.rb:4:  before_filter :ensure_admin
./plugins/discourse-plugin-permalink/integrate.rb:35:        klass.skip_before_filter :check_xhr, only: [:permalink]
./plugins/discourse-plugin-shared-edit/plugin.rb:59:      before_filter :can_change_share_edit?
./plugins/discourse-qa/plugin.rb:39:    before_filter :check_if_voted, only: :create
./plugins/discourse-reset-bump/plugin.rb:42:    # You'll find other plugins and Discourse code using before_filter instead of
./plugins/discourse-reset-bump/plugin.rb:44:    # makes 'before_filter' deprecated and start causing warnings, and Rails 5.1 will remove
./plugins/discourse-slackdoor/plugin.rb:24:    before_filter :slackdoor_enabled?
./plugins/discourse-slackdoor/plugin.rb:25:    before_filter :slackdoor_username_present?
./plugins/discourse-slackdoor/plugin.rb:26:    before_filter :slackdoor_token_valid?
./plugins/discourse-user-feedback/app/controllers/ratings_controller.rb:4:  before_filter :ensure_topic_existence
./plugins/dl-license-keys/app/controllers/dl_license_keys/license_users_controller.rb:6:    skip_before_filter :check_xhr, only: [:validate]
./plugins/retort/plugin.rb:30:    before_filter :verify_post_and_user, only: :update

Some of these might be obsolete - if so maybe they can be removed from the all-the-plugins repo, and moved to #plugin:broken-plugin to avoid any future confusion.

babble @gdpelican
blog @sam
(official?) discourse-atom-receiver
discourse-blogger-plugin @kcoop
discourse-donations @rimian
discourse-layouts @angus
discourse-plugin-permalink @lightyear
discourse-qa @angus
discourse-reset-bump @LeoDavidson (just a comment)
discourse-slackdoor @mcwumbly
discourse-user-feedback @jafeth.diazc
dl-license-keys @joebuhlig
retort @gdpelican


@jafeth.diazc @joebuhlig @gdpelican see above post (could only mention 10 people at a time)

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Not obsolete yet, I donā€™t think. This functionality doesnā€™t exist yet in the new slack plugin, does it?

Will put it on my list to fixā€¦ Hopefully soonā€¦

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Nope, not included in slack-official or chat-integration

Thanks for calling this out David. I hadnā€™t noticed Rails 5 was official yet so hadnā€™t touched this at all. Now it looks I need to hustle. :grimacing:


Hopefully this is all thatā€™s needed:


(Wish I had CI set up for this thing).


Nescis quid serus vesper vehat :first_quarter_moon_with_face:

Thanks David.

Note that, if you have written specs, all

xhr :method, :action, params

has to be re-written as

method :action, params: params, format: :json


Thanks for the heads up @david, Iā€™ve :wrench: my things. :smiley:

Is it safe to do an update of my forum at the moment? Are people finding any instability / upgrade issues post-Rails-upgrade?

Hang fire for now. @tgxworld is investigating a possible instability.


Looks like @tgxworld has concluded his investigation. Should be safe to update, but it couldnā€™t hurt to wait a day or two more while we finish ironing out any additional unexpected issues.


And if you use any non official plugins youā€™ll want to be especially careful.


Iā€™m with @pfaffman here. I just finished pushing updates to the majority of my plugins to cover this but Iā€™m sure there are others still working on it.


Thank you for your efforts! Does this mean that the username search related PR can finally be merged in? :slight_smile:


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