Where are Images and uploads stored?

Please where are images and videos stored in Discourse?
Our users would be uploading pictures and videos.
For now, I would like to use DropBox. How do I configure this?
Also, is Vimeo supported?
Finally, between Vimeo, DropBox and Amazon S3, which is the best option?

If you’re self-hosted, they are typically stored on the same VM where you’re running Discourse. You can also Configure an S3 compatible object storage provider for uploads. Unless you expect your users to upload videos to Vimeo or whatever there and share that link, there is (mostly?) no way to use those (but there once was? Video Upload to YouTube and Vimeo using Theme Component)

By default, linked images are downloaded to local storage so that they continue to exist even if the source disappears.


Ahh, thanks. I am of the opinion storing them on same vm will end up causing performance issues for large communities; am I wrong?
(2) Here is a scenario I am trying to get figured out.
(a) User abc who is community user is posting an article that includes a picture or even a video.
(b) User abc drags and drops the relevant picture\video as part of the article and submits the article.
(a) Assuming we configure and use S3 as the default Image location; will these images be stored there ?
(b) Will the images\Video appear as part of the article OR will it just be a LINK that points to the image location in S3?
(3) If user abc shares a Youtube link. will the actual Youtube image show OR will it just be a LINK to Youtube that must be clicked for the video to play?

Try those things out on https://try.discourse.org/ and see for yourself. Then you can tell for sure and won’t wonder whether we mean the same thing by stuff like “appear as part of the article OR will it just be a LINK that points to the image location in S3”.

And images are different from videos.

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Holy COW !! “OneBox” is cool. How do I enable it and make it available to all users? I am self hosted.

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You already did. Have you tried it on your own site?

Mostly, but you can configure a CDN without bothering to set up S3.


I just tried and it worked !!

Recommend a Cheap and reasonable CDN that works great with Discourse. I am loving this. Completed work on Ghost Blog integration.

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I’ve been happy with bunny.net.

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