Where to find standard supported dark theme?

I think I remember there was a dark standard theme and light theme. I had a problem with other themes and at one point the dark theme. So I created my own off the dark theme and made css changes and deleted it.

Now with the new changes I want to make sure the standard theme is working correctly still but I dont see where the standard dark theme is and how to add it back. Light theme is there but dont want to use it.

On a new install, what you get right now is:

  1. a default theme


  1. various default color schemes:

So in my understanding, the default dark theme is the default theme & the default dark color scheme.

If you did adjustments already you might need to check the value of default dark mode color scheme id in your general admin settings:

Another small quirk to note is that there’s no default light color scheme listed on the backend. When you pick “+ New” to create a new color palette, the default light scheme is used as a basis though. So if you want to see the color values of the default light scheme on the backend you’d need to add it manually.


Thanks. Where is the github to re-upload the default theme then so it can update as the site changes?

Someone please correct me if that’s wrong but I believe the “Default” theme is just an empty theme that doesn’t modify any style declarations from Discourse core.

So if you need a new empty theme, just create a new one:

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That gives me “created by me” and doesnt link to anywhere. So if my other was based on a default then it shouldn’t give me warnings about compatibility with ember 5 and put me in safe mode.

The warnings have since cleared and safe mode but I wanted to make sure this is fixed before some other issue happens and Im not available to work on it.