Gated Topics in Category

:discourse2: Summary Gated Topics in Category allows site admins to show a login prompt that covers the topic contents in specific categories or tags to encourage readers to sign up and log in.
:eyeglasses: Preview Preview on Discourse Theme Creator (view in an incognito window)
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Install this theme component



Name Description
enabled categories Choose which categories users need to sign up for
enabled tags Choose which tags users need to sign up for. The default is ‘gated’.
Translation Default
heading_text This area is for members only
subheading_text Create an account to view this content
signup_cta_label Sign Up
login_cta_label Already have an account? Sign in


:star_struck: Thanks to these fine folks for helping build it: @pmusaraj, @tshenry, and @CvX

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-12T18:04:00Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

Oh my god, this is epic! I already feel that this should eventually become part of core :heart_eyes:


Thank you for this, its more than useful because i have daily almost 80-120 000 pageviews trough organic traffic but barely new members, this is gonna change it!

Thank you again @ella


This is a good job!
The design is sophisticated.

I also like guest gate.


thank you, this is awesome!


10 posts were split to a new topic: How to show the gate further down in the post?

@ella I love your plugin and I really wish it had the ability to customize the login and Signup URL, would this be possible with an update?

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Hi is it possible to set a trust level for this component? So instead of signing up I would get users to reach level 2 before viewing the content. As i’m trying to avoid users just registering for free and not participating in the forum growth overall.


You should have a look at this plugin Advertise activity in a private category (discourse-category-lockdown)


It’s works with search engine? is the content still crawlable by robots?

Hopefully not, because lying to Google that content is free and that’s why good to show as search result is really fast way to kill all SEO.

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You can have your cake and eat it too - you don’t have to lie to Google in order to have it crawlable.

The Category Lockdown plugin lets Googlebot in and uses structured data to indicate that it’s paywalled content.


One of the most useful component !

This component just stopped working today on my sites (three of them)…

Tested on Firefox, Edge, Chrome, PC and mobile, no more filtering on category names or tags… :roll_eyes:

Help ! :woozy_face:

Can you share an example where it does not work? The preview on the theme creator works fine for me, and on the forums that are linked in your profile, it seems to work as well.

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Macbook / Chrome

Macbook Safari


Thanks for testing, it seems I made a confusion between viewing a list and viewing a topic, this component does not prevent viewing a list and topics excerpts, it only prevents viewing threads is it?

This only hides a part of the post.

I think Category Previews could be what you actually want @lilly’s suggestion is probably better.


Not sure what your use case is, but you can also have a look at


Thanks I’ll have a look at theses other components.