Why is there a welcome message for TL-1 users but not new TL-0 users?

Why is there a welcome message for new TL-1 users but not new TL-0 users?

It seems to me that the new TL-0 users are the ones who need a welcome message most.

Hi @MikeNolan !
Just wondering, why do new users start at TL0 OR TL1?
On another forum I’m on, TL0 new users get the welcome message (This is the first time xxx has posted, let’s welcome them to the community!) when they make their first post.
Unless, you are referring to the one by discobot?

TL-0 is the default level for new users, and I think that’s appropriate for us. It may not be relevant, but all users log in to the discourse site through a Drupal SSO.

There’s a “Let’s welcome XXX” message that others (above some trust level) see when a new user posts for the first time or an inactive member posts for the first time in a while, but what I’m looking for is something new users would get or see outlining the rules and procedures of the forum.

We have a group that new users have to be added to in order to get full posting privileges and access to any non-public categories. In order to be added, they have to provide their member ID and we have to know their birthdate, because only current members age 16 or older are allowed those privileges. So one of the things the TL-0 users need to know is to add their member ID to their profile. We have birthdates for 98% of members and nearly all new members. (The Drupal SSO doesn’t currently add member IDs to a new user’s profile, and I’m not sure anyone is actively supporting it these days, but it seems to work.)

Could you maybe edit Discobot’s auto message to include that when users sign up? If not, I might have something else that could be modified to work, but it’d need to be hosted somewhere to receive webhook requests for user sign ups.

They don’t sign up directly through discourse as there is a Drupal site with an SSO that get them into the discourse site.

But that doesn’t really address my question, which is why there isn’t a TL-0 message sent out to new users, but is one for TL-1.

Couldn’t you consider Discobot’s message as the TL0 welcome message?

That still triggers a signup event AFAIK, which would still trigger the webhook.

You can create a custom one using the Automation plugin and the Send PMs script with the ‘user added to group’ trigger.

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But Discobot should message new users, not existing users?

I don’t know what new users see, as my account is an admin set up during conversion and I don’t have a second account to test with.

OK, I’ve set up an automation script to send a PM to new users at TL0. Not sure how I test that it works as expected. Check the logs, I guess.

There doesn’t appear to be a script for sending an email to a new user.

Ideally, to check out all of the onboarding experience you’d create a test user every now and again and give it a walkthrough. Is that something you can give a try?


The SSO process might complicate that a bit, as it is tied to (new) dues-paying members in our membership system, which is CIVI-CRM.

I didn’t set that part up, I’m assuming Drupal confirms member data with the CIVI-CRM database before setting up a Drupal login. I’m not sure where in the process it creates the discourse login, possibly not until the first time the member uses the SSO link to get to the forums.

But I can ask the project leader about this. (I do agree that testing the new user process periodically is desirable, if only to see if it is working the way you think it does, I don’t know if he does that.)


The automation script seems to be working, but is there a way to see if the user has read the PM?

I don’t think it has been implemented, but here is a feature request:

Someone in the thread said to get a reaction like :heart: on the post to know that they have acknowledged it.

Tracking who has read a post is a different issue than tracking whether a PM has been read by the recipient(s). But they may use the same mechanism in Discourse so logging one would log the other, though that doesn’t mean they have to make the logs on reading posts available to non-moderators.

The Messages Sent log shows 1 view of the first PM through the automation script, but I don’t know if that includes me, since I did click on it to make sure the content came out the way I wanted it to.

Maybe, in the message sent, ask them to react if they have read it?

Group messages can have a ‘read by’ indicator, though I don’t think you can send this PM from a group. :thinking:

You can create a data explorer query to check if they’ve viewed a PM by using the topic_views table. All the PMs will have the same title so you could use that as one of the criteria.


It takes very little to get to tl1 on the defaults, so I think it comes at a good time.

“congratulations, you validated your email address” seems a little silly, maybe?