Wishlist: Tell me when I've crossed the bounce threshold

Due to some problems at the corporate email server, my account (and some others) crossed the bounce threshold in our public Discourse instance.

For two weeks, I had no email notifications from Discourse. And no idea why.

Half of that time I was on vacation. The other half I was visiting our instance very regularly and picking up my notifications the only way I could - directly in the UI.

It seems to me that Discourse should have alerted me - in UI, obvs not by email :sweat_smile: - that I’d crossed the bounce threshold.

If an active user has an email problem, we should give them a chance to fix it.


This seems like a no brainer idea and I’d vote for it but only today cast my first vote and got a notice I’m only allowed five votes, not sure what happens if I use them and find the sixth one needed just one more vote to pass :slightly_smiling_face:

I now wonder how many users drifted off due to not getting the email nudge that might have kept them coming back :thinking:


@anon48433008 you can always rescind a vote if you want to use it somewhere else. :innocent:


When I see a sidekiq message on dashboard. I check the email sent report. As I am typically in everyday in the past didn’t realize they were not monitoring their mail server plan.

Which due to also using this server for their company email also made a couple of months with no emails. :man_facepalming:

A forum member messaged me about ppl having trouble signing up.

Awesome idea.