With the new right gutter, where should "Reply as Linked Topic" go?

I came up with a couple of queries. The one finds “Reply as” topics, the other both “Reply as” and “copied link” topics.

WITH op_posts AS ( SELECT id 
                , raw
                FROM posts 
                WHERE post_number = 1
FROM op_posts 
WHERE raw LIKE '%Continuing the discussion from%'


WITH op_posts AS ( SELECT id 
                , raw
                FROM posts 
                WHERE post_number = 1
SELECT COUNT(topic_links.id)  
FROM topic_links 
JOIN op_posts 
ON topic_links.link_post_id = op_posts.id
WHERE topic_links.internal 
AND topic_links.reflection 

I tried a bit to get them into a single query but gave up (for now)

On my localhost I got 15 and 28 - so about half and half
But of course I use localhost to test things, not real statistical analysis.

IMHO it would be good to get real statistics from a real forum and use those in judging how prominent the feature should be.

If you use badge_posts instead of posts that should exclude private categories.

Also, I did not come up with a query to find “Mod split to new” topics. i.e. those that member(s) should have started a new topic, but made off-topic posts instead.

FROM posts 
WHERE action_code LIKE 'split_topic'
AND raw LIKE '%posts were split to a new topic%'

Granted, having a more visible “Reply as” probably won’t reduce off-topic posts much, but maybe.

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