Woocommerce Product Description QnA function


I am making a Woocommerce website using wordpress and discourse. I already install Discourse plugin and finish SSO function as Wordpress for SSO provider.

Wordpress has native comment system, but in the Woocommerce product page, that function has changed to review system in my understanding, so I couldn’t configure well for Question and Answer.

Woocommerce doesn’t have native Question and Answer function, so I am searching how to make a better user experience like Amazon Question and Answer function. As you know when we consider to buy a product, we use Question and Answer for better decision.

There are some free or paid plugins for Woocommerce, but I couldn’t make a decision for purchasing or not because I don’t want to make a website so complicate for ordinary customer. Also I considered bbpress, but I would like to use discourse if there is a suitable configuration.

Do you have any idea or suggestion? I already try Shortcodes and RSS function. But Shortcodes doesn’t support Answer viewing and Categy, so I couldn’t use for production site yet.

Thank you so much.

Are you sure you want to use Discourse for this? Discourse works well for structured discussion, I.e. many topics with some or lots of replies.

What you’re proposing will sometimes be lots of questions with potentially no answers (being peer-based) and some questions with one or more responses, but still not many.

Is it possible to create a community with that kind of imbalance? Has anyone been successful in doing this?


Dear @Stephen

Thank you so much for your opinion.

For this question, at least site operator have to reply to sell their products. As you know Woocommerce is very limited, so I would like to make a limited best solution for wordpress and woocommerce.

I think Woocommerce question and answer function is needed for better customer user experience. For discourse, I will use as community function, so it is also very meaningful.

Thank you.