Word-wrap or line length oddities

There seems to be an oddity with how Discourse handles wrapping on emailed replies. Under certain conditions the reply appears with wide line length and presents a scroll bar. This isn’t really a bug as the text is all there, but I wouldn’t exactly call it a feature either. Is there some way I can make the replies conform to the way an online response appears?

Here is an example, one user (Frank_Andersen) has replied online and via email, note how his email response appears:

I suppose I could a cat herders edict about how the users should configure their email, but I’m not really into that game, and neither are the cats.

The problem is that 4 spaces (or more) at the start of a line is the code delimiter in markdown, look at the raw text: https://forums.jag-lovers.com/raw/348990/7


Learn more about markdown at https://commonmark.org/help

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