WordPress and wishlist member

I’ve made a fairly basic plugin that integrates Discourse with the WishList Member plugin. It lets you associate Discourse groups with WIshList levels.

When users sign up for a WishList level, if there are any Discourse groups associated with the level, they are automatically added to those Discourse groups. If the user doesn’t yet exist on Discourse, they are created through the Discourse API.

When user levels are added/moved/removed through the WishList admin section, they are moved on Discourse.

There is an issue that new users who are created through the API are sent an activation email from Discourse. This isn’t needed because they are logged in through SSO. This can be sorted out fairly soon.

There’s a conflict between the wp-discourse ‘Create Discourse User on Login’ setting and the WishList Member plugin. That can be fixed.

For security reasons, for each group, you should either select ‘Require Email Verification’ on the WP Discourse ‘WishList Groups’ tab, or select ‘Require Email Confirmation After Registration’ on the WishList plugin’s ‘Levels’ tab.

I might eventually be selling this plugin for a small fee, but for now it’s free to anyone who’s willing to test it. Get in touch with me and I’ll send you a zip file.

The admin interface still needs some work. This was the easiest way to set it up for now.