Wordpress + discourse showcase - I need inspiration ;)

I need inspiration for further developing my site.

After I changed from joomla with jomsocial (a php mysql setup) to a pure forum site (like my early start in 2001) I think I mis some non-forum features - features I could get using wordpress.

Therefor I would like to see a showcase of forums using wordpress and discourse.

I found this:

Feel welcome to post your site so I could see what you came up with.

Im okay familiar with wordpress and even made a plugin years ago :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’m setting up my Wordpress+Discourse+LifterLMS and am interested in different page layout design ideas. Looking at the monocycle page, how did they get the Forums list on right hand side? Is there a widget for Discourse?

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Coincidentally, I am in the same boat as Lea-Ann. I have an established site with LifterLMS-based courses and memberships via WooCommerce Subscriptions (as well as offering more traditional eCommerce too).

I have a closed Facebook group as one of my membership benefit but a reasonable percentage don’t use Facebook (my membership has a large number of older folks). I have been very interested in moving to a forum and away from the Facebook group, but it’s a change I want to assess and manage very carefully.

I have installed Discourse on a Vultr VPS yesterday, as a subdomain. I have installed the SSO plugin too.

A part of this will be making sure that there’s a consistent user experience. So now I am actively researching my Discourse design (currently looking at themes and theme components). Like the other two posters, I have a real desire to see alternative designs to spark some inspiration.


I have two WP + Discourse projects to share :slight_smile:

Cracking the Code

Guitar learning site, and member community, focused on helping players improve their technique. This has been my day job for several years, and after offering downloads + subscription on a third-party platform for a while in the past ~2 years we went all in with our own custom site integrating the lesson material and community forum.




Site where I curate and share the most fascinating books I find, and associated forum for talking about reading and libraries, trading book suggestions, and similar. I’ve been working on the general idea as a side project for a while, and just a few months ago launched a small forum to work more on connecting with a community of like-minded book nerds.




Here’s a popular site that is posting from their WordPress blog to Discourse:


My site uses wordpress/discourse for articles and for comments on the blog


Wow! Your site is amazing! What plugins are you using to integrate Discourse?

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I can share mine now:



Hi, I didn’t notice that you linked my site :slight_smile:
https://monocycle.info/ is indeed linked to Discourse with a few custom things:

  • The right sidebar shows the last created topics, through a custom (and badly coded) Wordpress plugin. The list is updated regularly with a CRON task.
  • The comments are sync between Wordpress and Discourse through a custom plugin that extends WP-Discourse. Logged in users can post comments either from Discourse or directly from the Wordpress article page.

@frold coincidentally, we use the same Wordpress theme :smile:


I’m also using WordPress with the Discourse WP plugin. Forums are here:

Discourse has been a lifesaver because I was being held hostage by Disqus comments system which was also very slow to load.