First off, I love the software. Been using it for about a month now and just moved it to its permanent home.
I will be installing the main site this week and was wondering if using different ip addresses would smooth the co existence of the forum and website/cms or if I should just follow the nginx proxy setup?
I would also like to host other ruby applications as this is what I am currently learning and when the apps are ready for production they will move to my main host.
I’ve been using digital ocean to spin up dev environments quickly because it’s fast to start over if I break stuff.
Possible things that would run with the discourse install would be redmine, wordpress, locomotive, or a simple bootstrap website.
Thanks to all of you who have helped me. I will be adding more contributions soon and hope to give back to the community in any way I can.
Since you’re using nginx as a reverse proxy, seems that simply giving it a separate IP at that level should do fine since Discourse is already running on its own internal port.
The most important thing you’ll want to keep in mind is performance (memory, disk, CPU) of the host itself. Be careful about loading too many apps/services on a single VM to save money.
Well right now I have 4gb of ram on the vps. I’ll keep an eye on the resource usage and I’ll be ready to upgrade it as needed. I may be going to a dedicated machine later anyway once I finish a few other projects that I’d like to launch.
UPDATE: I just checked monitoring and discourse running for several hours, only 10 or so users was using about 13% of available RAM, which isn’t bad. I’m sure that a significant load of say 100 or so users would shoot that up a lot though. So basically Discourse install with dependencies + Ubuntu are only using half a gig or so with a low user load. I’ll keep an eye on it for sure though.
Are you running discourse using the ‘quick start’ docker install?
Do you plan on running your cms inside of docker also?
If not, you will have to change the discourse setup b/c currently it is exposing port 80. You will have to create a different backend for your docket port to listen on/expose.
I doubt I will be running my CMS inside of docker for the moment. I am interested in locomotive but only because it’s some more exposure to ruby which I’m trying to learn. I will be hacking away on a development install of discourse as soon as I can.
I did use the 30 minute install using docker. I started with a fresh install of the machine, then installed the prereqs (postgres, redis and ruby) then followed the directions there. I had some issues with the OVH default kernel so I had to go back and redo things a couple of times with the assistance of this forum and google. It’s now working well.
If I do put my cms inside of docker, and its in a different container, will it still be okay to listen on port 80? I haven’t had time to really learn docker beyond the use for installing discourse. I plan to though. Maybe I could install to do docker, and then assign it a listen port other than 80, and set up a custom proxy redirect with Nginx. I don’t want visitors to have to type a port or see it. I’m excited though, something new to get dirty with and learn something that’ll help later.