You say it's your birthday?

After this plugin can we have a rewrite of :scream_cat: Farmville?


Started work on the plugin :smile:

As of right now, the default date that it uses is the day the user joined Discourse. (I don’t really like it since it isn’t actually the user’s birthday).

In the coming days, I’ll add the option to update the user’s date of birth under user preferences. :cake:


That could be alleviated by renaming the plugin to “Cake Day”, like OP alluded to.


But but…


@codinghorror should this be a core feature?

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No, it should be optional – if there is a custom field in the userprofile called “Birthday” use that. If not then use the join date.

One thing that we support changing here @tgxworld is adding a date custom field type (though for birthdays people really like years being optional) .


I think I’ll rename the plugin to cakeday since…

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No need for custom fields, there’s an actual field on the users column named date_of_birth.


I always forget that field is there. So the question is, whether to expose it. Perhaps the plugin can expose it?

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No point having this field in core if there is no UI for it.

My call is to build a UI for it in user prefs and then allow admins to either turn it on or off.


Yes, more years seen than Yoda I have

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I think we should drop it from core for the following reasons:

  1. We’re not using it anywhere and I don’t think there are plans to?
  2. Different developers might end up wanting different customizations with the DOB. For instance, year should be optional but what if I don’t want year to be optional (age declaration for sites with age restrictions).

My 2 :moneybag:


Sure go ahead and drop it

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@tgxworld If you drop the birthday field from core, there should be a migration of existing values to the custom field used by the plugin. The dates imported by the SMF2 and phpBB3 importers would otherwise be lost.

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Yeah, so, maybe this is a weird request, but I’d prefer it if the plugin let me choose my join date as my Cake Day, even if I’ve also added my birth date on my forum.

I want to add my birthday because we’re a pretty tight knit bunch, and some people might wanna surprise me with an unexpected birthday wish, and vice versa. But the whole point of a cake day for me is that it’s an additional day of joy. It’s that day I forgot about, but then; surprise cake!

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But we won’t know the name of the custom field that the plugin uses. It could be different across plugins. I think the key here is the there is no use / no plans for the DOB field to be used in Discourse. :cat:

Why choose? Make it two cake days per year. :birthday: :birthday:

No thanks. That’s like deciding to have two Christmases. Makes it less special. :crying_cat_face:

Well, if you develop the plugin, you’ll know the name of the custom field, won’t you? :wink: