This is probably really obvious but I’ve searched and searched and can’t find the answer.
Every topic here has a Youtube video in the first post. What causes some of the topics to have a ‘’ link next to them and the bulk of them not!?
Having thought about it some more, is there a reason all topics with a youtube video in the first post don’t have that ‘’ link presented next to them?
We have several hundred topics in our ‘videos’ category and only four have this ‘’ link visible
The link takes the user off-site, so having them there isn’t always helpful - after all it takes focus away from the community, rather than encouraging them to watch the video via an embed.
Usually communities share such links to discuss them, which makes the embed preferable. If anything there’s a case for an option to not link off-site to things which can be embedded locally.
This is a “reddit-alike” feature, to make it easy to start a topic along the lines of
Holy cow! Did y’all see this crazy article on this crazy website?!
Try going to reddit and ‘starting a topic’ – they’re usually based on links from other sites. This way it’s faster to start a new topic with just a link.