"Required" category of a tag not showing up under "category ..." dropdown

Alright, so I’m at my wit’s end. At this point, I’m really hoping I’m missing the obvious.

Setup: I have multiple categories, and each category has a required Tag group. Easy enough, right? You’d think.

Problem: When creating a new topic from the homepage, all category options surface in the composer—as expected. Beautiful! But when you click into a tag (i.e. navigate to /tag/tag-name), and attempt to compose a new post from that page, all categories surface—except, ironically, the category that has set that particular tag among its requirements.

This has perplexed me. I thought maybe it was a muting issue, but I’ve disabled that, along with all plug-ins, and the problem persists.

Send Helps.
Admin screenshot:


(And yes, “Lions” is in the NFL tag group)

BTW, you guys can test this for yourselves here: Topics tagged lions

You can see ‘lions’ in the NFL tag group here: The Den

Update: the absolute geniuses at @RGJ / communiteq were able to resolve by disabling the theme-component discourse-tag-banners.