Tag Banners plugin creates new topics in wrong category from filtered view

I’m currently running 3.3.0.beta4-dev (16a8a31c52), and the latest version of tag banners, which should be 9afa40b, but I don’t see a way to verify this within Discourse other than it saying it is running the latest.

Enabled settings in tag banners are:

  • show on mobile
  • show tag description
  • show below site header

With the theme component enabled, if you go to a category, filter to a specific tag, then press the new topic button, it opens the composer with the correct tag but with the category set to the general category instead of whichever you were in. This happens in every category that I’ve tested, both public and private. This doesn’t happen if no tags are filtered to.

What happens when you reload that page? I reported something similar which seems related to lazy loaded categories

(But I did not mention that the category is also missing when you create a new topic)

I don’t notice any differences when reloading the page filtered by category and tag. The reloaded page is still the same filtered page, and creating a new topic from that page still tries to make it in the general category instead of the one it should be in