Scaling issue for charts

Thans for integrating this functionality, it has a lot of potential for visualising data!

Is there a way to set the radius (or size in general) of a pie chart?
The default one is unfortunately so small to be practically useless :confused:

pie showData
    title Key elements in Product X
    "Calcium" : 42.96
    "Potassium" : 50.05
    "Magnesium" : 10.01

Iโ€™m also having some size/scaling issues. Gaant charts for example are essentially useless :frowning:

Is there anyway Discourse could provide the option to view mermaid diagrams in a fullscreen way, similar to the Markdown Table Fullscreen?


This is a fantastic idea, I would love to have it. We donโ€™t have this work slotted at the moment.


Are we likely to see any movement on this? It just feels such a shame to have something so usefull sit so close to perfection.

We wanted to use a pie chart to show some of the distribution of languages in the company, but this is the real size in the end :frowning:


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is it possible to have some zoom possibilities to the mermaid display? Larger diagrams can become quate small now.

Maybe allow the mermaid diagrams to be opened in a popup lightbox and have pan and zoom like on


This would be a great additional feature!

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I would love this feature. It is assigned to the member experience team and will be prioritized by them.

Missing this is certainly heavily impacting how useful complex mermaid diagrams on the forums can be.

As to when? @lindsey will be prioritizing this.

If you need it in a hurry though probably best talk to Jamie


Thank you for looking at this again :heart:

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+1 for this much needed feature - any progress?