Scrolling fast and hard to the bottom of a long topic makes replies keep coming: without stopping

In a long topic, choose one with over >200 replies (there are quite a few here on Meta), then scroll as far down as possible until you see it loading more replies.
Sometimes, when the screen gets a bit ‘stuck’ (I’m not sure how to explain this), and the replies, instead of the next batch appearing below the last post, continues going on, in each batch, and you can still see the loading circle, loading more on more replies, but you are always at the bottom of each batch each time, until you reach the last post of the topic.
I experience this on mobile here on Meta, but is this the expected behaviour?

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To give an example:
You are looking at batch X of replies (say, 20 in 1 batch). You scroll to the bottom, where it loads the next batch (batch Y). Instead of allowing you to keep scrolling to read the replies in batch Y, it jumps to the bottom of batch Y where you can see it’s loading batch Z. And this continues. You can scroll up to read what happens in that batch you are in (and previous batches), but it will jump to the next batch anyway.

I think I see what you mean - tested it myself and I can reproduce the problem.

I’d think is is normal behavior to reduce loading times on topics, as 90% of the time a user won’t be rapidly scrolling through a topic unless they want to go to a specific post. In that case, they can type the post number they want to go to in the URL bar.

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We have a rewrite of the topic page this year queued and I think we will fix it then. putting pr-welcome now in case someone wants to fix it earlier.


3 posts were split to a new topic: New topic map causing infinite-loading loop

@sam Is the rewrite finished? I think this bug still occurs on Meta.
Also, on Glitchy Scrolling.

Rewrite is not done, some time this year


This issue should be resolved by

Prior to that fix, the timeline would often be chosen as the scroll-anchoring point when scrolling down. So when the new posts rendered above, the browser would lock onto the timeline instead of the new post content.


With the fix, the browser now anchors onto post-stream content:


It has improved a lot, thank you!


The glitch is corrected, but it seems that the URL changes to the last post though (at least on Android). When you start scrolling again it gets the correct post number and counts correctly from there. It’s just aesthetic, but I thought I let you know.

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