What is the best way to add an external chat bot in our community?


So we just made a bot for our two websites using the Microsoft bot service. I wondered about the best way to add the bot to our Discourse instance. Any ideas will be of great help.

Here is a script the developer sent, but when I add it under the header in customization, it doesn’t work. Either there’s a problem with the script or I’m not doing it correctly.

I added the Brevo Customer Service bot to our Discourse instance simply by adding the tracking code on Google Tag Manager, which is then attached to our Discourse instance.

And I have a second question. Google Tag Manager says some of our pages are not being tagged. How is that possible?

Thanks for your time and help,

The bot script that was sent to me by the developer:

   <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://chatbotcdn-e2cybmebhsava5h5.z01.azurefd.net/botfile/chatbot.css" />

To see how the bot looks: world-like-home.com
Our discourse instance where I want to add the bot too : world-like-home.community
Screen of Google Tag Manager

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Maybe add to content security also?


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I can see your script on your forum. However, it’s likely being inserted after the page is loaded, and that’s why the chatbot doesn’t load.

This should work if you put the scripts/styles in <head>[1] of a theme component attached to your theme.

As Robert stated, you might need to adjust the CSP setting to allow the links.

  1. image ↩︎


Thanks very much, @anon48433008 and @Arkshine

It worked.

I appreciate your time and efforts.

Nice day from the JO in the city of love :blush:


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