Looking for the perfect theme


I am totally new to discourse and well really impressed at the moment, but being new has come with challenges, I have been trying to create a theme that will fit perfectly what me and my team want to achieve, but unfortunately, I cannot get much further than adding a new theme (which does match what we want :frowning: )

I have made a real rough representation of what we want so if anyone has any advice or tips please let me know, I bet there is a theme out there doing just this!


hello @Joe_F! Thank you for the praise :discourse: :wink:

I’ve had a quick search in the Theme component category for you and I’ve found some TCs[1] you may find useful in terms of how you’d like to style your posts, leaderboard and tags.

An official TC

Regular TC

An official TC

If you are self hosting, you may also be interested in the Discourse gamification plugin. If you are hosted by Discourse this will depend on what hosting plan you are on.

Here is a TC that seems to do all of the above

You may can familiarise yourself with using / designing Discourse themes using the guides below.

You can always create a topic in Marketplace outlining the work you’d like done.

Hope this helps :smile:

  1. Theme Components ↩︎


This is the ultimate sidebar solution :wink:

But you may need help.

If you have budget you can hire a developer to help



Welcome @Joe_F ! Thank you for sharing your outline. I hope you will continue to share your discoveries and your process with us here on the forum as you proceed with your design and construction. It is so helpful.

Because who here is not also looking for “the perfect theme”?


Thanks all,

Really appreciate the help on this, plenty to take away and look at :raised_hands:


Thanks so much, I have been able to have a play about with these!

I am just looking at the right sidebar blocks, which sounds perfect for what we want to achieve, I just cant seem to pull over our Monthly Scoreboard, have you any suggestions? I have been unable to find anything in the docs.

Kind regards, Joe

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I don’t personally use this component but I would assume that by reading its description, you should be able to add a leader/score board so long as you have the Gamification plugin installed

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