Add Likes Column

:discourse2: Summary Add Likes Column adds the dedicated column for Likes back to the Latest page of your site.
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The likes for non staff show in this columns when whispers are used:

there is only the topic to see for users but if you are staff there is 13 posts.




(However 16 likes still appear)


I was wondering if there is a way to rearrange the order in which the columns appear? So that likes showed up first, then replies, etc.

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I notice the likes column only picks up heart reacts, not thumbs up etc. Is there a way to include specific emoji types (sorry I don’t know CSS)

Edit there’s another thread here:


No, there’s no way to do this at the moment. It would require changing how the reactions plugin works.

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There are plans to share the options that you are evaluating from the team?

Just curious, it’s a must for our community and could be good to discuss and contribute :slight_smile:

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Hello it’s me again :sweat_smile: with the reactions plugin updated, any plans to update this column?/ Did the reactions column change tie into this Likes column?

Discourse Reactions - plugin - Discourse Meta

Edit- I just realised it just a new comments on that thread, not that it is a new plugin, my bad :confounded: :woman_facepalming: