Is there a "Subscribe" Theme Component?

I am setting up a Self hosted community. I am wondering if there is a Theme Component that can be prominently displayed that reminds new Users to SUBSCRIBE to the community?
We have that in Ghost Blog, which is our main domain, but would like to remind non subscribers to Subscribe also on the Discourse Forum. How do I do that?


May need more details. There is a theme component that adds a “Follow” button. Generally one needs to create an account to receive email notifications of the forum.

That being said you can create links as an RSS feed.

If it is your main site blog and you have a button there. You can likely post a link for tha main site blog.

There is also a Follow Plugin for following other members

The availability of using the plugin will depend if Self hosted or if your hosted plan includes it


Thanks; I saw those Theme Components you mentioned, but they seem to be Topic and category specific.
I am of the opinion a “Subscribe” link, icon or image, that is prominently displayed should be a core component that is integrated into the platform.

This feature is built as a core component of Ghost Blog and most other Blogging platforms.
Take a look at this implementation for example Explore — Browse publications & featured writers.

Ideally, when a visitor clicks on the “subscribe”, they are prompted to enter their email address, which is then captured in a database table.
The site owner uses this for Newsletters to keep members informed and other events about the site.
It drives traffic to the site and helps the community grow.


Pure blog sites are different from what I have observed. You can likely see about sponsoring a plugin to accomplish sending a summary of posts with other site content news. However a forum’s Subscribe is typically creating an account as it will send out digests and such if configured.

While there is already a lot of features built in. It is meant to be extensible through things like the plugins & theming.

Guest gate theme component encourages ppl to sign up if their reading. The idea though sounds good as well. You could post it as a feature request. However marketplace likely be your better bet & quicker.

Others may have other ideas to offer on maybe other ways to accomplish what your looking for.