Suggestions to improve "preserve chronological order after merging"

Hi there, I appreciate the ability to move posts to another topic, but there are a few sub-optimal aspects.

  1. The “preserve chronological order after merging” checkbox should be placed toward the top of the Move to dialog, possibly indented below the Existing topic radio button. As it is now, I get a scrollable list of topics that match the search term, and I often don’t see or forget to check the “preserve chronological order after merging” option because it’s all the way at the bottom. Which brings me to:
    1.2 It seems like the “preserve chronological order after merging” option should be checked by default. I can’t think of a scenario where I would want a jumbled thread of unordered posts.
  2. When the first post in a topic is selected to be moved, it currently moves it (or copies it?) to the target and then locks the original topic. This creates needless clutter, and requires an additional moderation step of deleting the original topic. It would make more sense to automatically delete the original topic.

I’ve been thinking this too after accidentally skipping it a couple of times.

Just some additional context - this currently has a setting, delete merged stub topics after days which defaults to 7. Unfortunately in this case, ‘0’ disables it rather than acts immediately.

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Interesting, thanks, I hadn’t noticed that.

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I would actually prefer if it wasn’t checked by default. When merging multiple bug reports into one topic, doing this may interrupt previous conversations in the topic, so it just becomes messier.

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