How to deactivate dark theme for non connected users on mobile?

Hi, I have two themes, one “Clear” and the other “Dark”, each of them having one matching color scheme “Clear” and “Dark”.
Non registered people browsing my site on Android see the Dark theme by default though I set the Clear one by default, how come? How can I change this behavior?

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Do they see the other theme or your default theme in dark colors? Maybe they use their phone in dark mode and see a dark version because of Automatic Dark Mode color scheme switching


Yes that was this setting thanks. I changed it to Clear and now it’s ok.
I never did that because I thought dark mode mobile users would never see the dark mode but I think there is confusion between the word dark that can be the mobile operating system term, the color scheme and the theme name.

I think if I set a “Clear” theme matching a “Clear” color scheme by default, this setting should be respected regardless of what people have as setting in their phone operating system, other ways what’s the purpose of having a setting for the default theme? What do you think ?

Did you also configure the default dark mode color scheme id in your site settings?
Then it makes sense that users using dark mode see your site in that color scheme.

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I set it now to clear and it solved my problem, but I think there is a conflict in the parameters: even if the default dark mode color scheme id is set to Dark, the setting “Default theme” should take precedence, and it does not, because a theme uses a color scheme, not the opposite.

Now using the dark theme in dark mode will show the forum in the light color scheme. Why don’t you leave it blank? Without a default dark color scheme, the theme color scheme will be used.

I tried setting it to “none” but that does not work, the Dark color scheme is used in that case, only solution: setting default dark mode color scheme id to Clear which is a logical problem, how a dark mode can be clear? :roll_eyes:

Theme and color palette are two different things. But I can’t understand why you don’t want to respect users’ choise :thinking:

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This is because choosing dark mode on your mobile means you have a preference for apps (or sites) which are fully compatible with dark mode. Dark mode on my Discourse site is a choice I give to registered users (they can choose it in their settings), after they are registered and logged with the default theme, me, the admin has chosen. As you know not every app is taking into account the operating system dark mode. I would like people browsing my site are presented with what me the admin has chosen, then, and only then, what they have chosen, not the other other way around. Who is the boss? :grin:

So to summarize, I wish that setting default dark mode color scheme id would apply only to registered members. (this could be a choice given to the admin)

Couldn’t they just change the theme colors in their user preferences regardless since it sounds like you have some form of dark color scheme?

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If they are registered yes, but if they are not, no

Sorry, hate to say that aloud, but you didn’t give any reason why you don’t respect users. You just said it’s my way or high way. Quite many of those who want to use dark mode in various reasons will leave.

Default theme is compatible with dark mode. I think there is just a couple older themes that are light only.

Well, you do what you do, but I still like to here why that is life-or-dead situation for you :smirk:

You know that you can edit palettes?

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Yes I gave a reason, here it is quoted:

I respect users as much as Discourse programmers does, but it seems Discourse programmers found this a good idea to not always respect dark mode mobile users choice (I think too for the reason above), it’s why they gave the admin the choice of that setting (default dark mode color scheme id). If they had respected their choice, this setting would not exist.

I know I can edit palettes, yes.

It has nothing to do with that :flushed: It comes from the idea that everything is editable. And it is a safe mechanism if a theme doesn’t work with dark mode.

Respect comes from an admin’s choices. An admin must choose what to do. And as you know, there is, by default, a setting to allow dark mode. That is how much Discourse respects automatic dark mode. Your choice was to turn it off.

That breaks UX badly. But perhaps you know better than a user what is wanted :rofl:

Whatever. I lost my interest. You have tools and you know what you do or not. The rest is between you and your users.


Sorry to have worn out your patience so quickly, thank you for participating in this discussion. It’s possible that I didn’t understand the purpose of this setting. My problem is solved. Have a good day.

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The issue is simply that this topic is not progressing. You have cemented your belief that as the bill payer, you have the right to decide on behalf of the user what color scheme they can use. I am equally adamant that the bill payer can decide, for example, where and how discussions take place, but not how the user wants to save their eyes.

We are therefore stuck in a yes/no situation, and my interest does not extend to that — regardless of whether the day is good or bad :rofl:

No I am not but it doesn’t matter. You think you are right and I think I am right for the reasons I explained at length. Let’s stop here if you wish.

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