Vary `max consecutive replies` based on trust level

Boop, hello there!

At the moment, Discourse has the site setting max consecutive replies which limits the number of consecutive replies a user can make in a topic with exemptions for admins/mods and the owner of the topic. The setting is a single global value which applies to all users in all topics. The default value is 3.

For my site, it’s not really appropriate or necessary to limit the number of consecutive replies for regular visitors. I understand that I could set max consecutive replies to some arbitrarily large number, but I appreciate having some guardrails around brand new accounts while new users get their bearings in the community.

Would it be possible for this value to vary based on trust level in the same way that the number of likes per day is?


Hi @a_lilian :wave:

FYI There is also the newuser max replies per topic setting which is the maximum number of replies a new user can make in a topic until someone replies to them.


Ah! Good to know that you can at least have some gradation between Trust Level 0 and Trust Level 1-4. Thank you.

I know that there’s a lot of site settings so keeping the naming consistent across everything is probably a lot harder than it sounds, but would it make sense to rename newuser max replies per topicnewuser max consecutive replies per topic so that it came up alongside max consecutive replies when searching?

If I’m reading the description text right, that would also describe what the setting actually does. The phrasing new user max replies per topic makes it sound like it’s a hard cap regardless of if someone else has replied to the new user.

Lastly, I do still think there’s a case to be made for allowing admins to move a consecutive reply limit increase behind Trust Level 2-4 instead of just Trust Level 1, but I understand that’s a rather niche request and it wades into discussion about the “new user” → Trust Level 1 distinction which is kind of handled as a special case and is a much bigger topic!

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