429 Error when scrolling too fast on Leaderboard

When you scroll too fast down the leaderboard, you’re hit with a 429 error that pops in and out very weird.

This occurred on amcforum.wiki/leaderboard. Video:

It’s not a bug that there is a 429 error, but rather the way it pops up and glitches and keeps going after pressing OK.

Reproduction steps:

  1. Open amcforum.wiki/leaderboard
  2. Scroll very fast to the bottom
  3. 429 error

I can’t reproduce this on Discourse Meta by holding Page Down, can you?

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If I disable themes or components using safe mode, your issue doesn’t happen.

So, the issue comes from one of your theme or components. :slight_smile:


It isn’t doing it here…but on the forum I linked it’s doing it, but they said go tell Meta instead (because it’s a Discourse issue)??